Free Team Singlets OR FREE TEAM WARM UPS

What is the catch?

There isn’t one! Bring 15 wrestlers to camp and be fully paid 4 weeks before your selected camp and your team will earn 14 FREE custom singlets or FREE custom warm up tops! Its as simple as that!

Why 14? That is the number of HS weight classes. You are free to purchase extras!


Here is how you do it:

  1. You must send in your team’s deposit to be eligible.

  2. Send in all registration forms and ONE CHECK to cover the balance for your team. OR have all of your kids register for camp via the online link that was emailed to you!

Do this by May 9 (all camps) and you will get 14 custom singlets for your team. Once we receive your check we will send you a form to select the color and type of singlet you would like! Then, when you come to camp your singlets will be waiting for you!!

Bringing more than 15 to camp? For every 5 additional wrestlers that come you will get an additional singlet. Bring 20, get 15. Bring 30, get 17.

Want more singlets? additional singlets can be purchased for $35 a piece! (Additional singlet and warm up designs coming soon)

The options:


Each item labeled on the singlet including all colors can be customized to your tetam!

  1. In order to get the Free Singlet Deal, envelope MUST be postmarked by MAY 9. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  2. Teams MUST pay with 1 check to get the Free Singlet Deal. OR all team members register online!