NEW IN 2025


2025 will be bigger and better than ever!! Here are the new changes:

  1. Expanded 1 on 1 sessions. We want the benefits of a HUGE camp while maintaining the personalized approach of a small camp. If a large technique session is not for your team we will now offer 1 on 1 sessions DURING large group instruction (we will still offer 1 on 1 sessions with our counselors at night as well).

  2. Coaches Appreciation Gift: Every team that briings 15 wrestlers will still get 14 free team singlets but now we are also giving that coach a free customized hoodie as well!

  3. Improved Team Olympics. Less sitting more doing.

  4. Expanded lodging offerings at both camps. If you would prefer a hotel experience we have you covered (55 rooms at both camps) more beds at ICCC (1100) IWU (1000) ISU (500).

  5. Added a third gym at ICCC. We call it Muscle Beach and will allow for any potential growth in Fort Dodge.

  6. Teams will be divided in like ability groups sooner! We are toying with two options right now: Divide groups based on coaches label at registration or use the day one dual results to put teams in appropriate groups (ie 2-0 Elite, 1-1 Varsity, 0-2 Greenhorns).


